Friday, January 15, 2016

Even more write amplification when InnoDB meets flash GC

Yesterday I shared a benchmark report to compare MyRocks and InnoDB for Linkbench on a server with PCIe flash. One of the results was that InnoDB writes much more to storage per query, between 8X and 11X more. This is not a good thing because flash devices have a finite endurance and writing too much can lead to replacing the device too soon.

The results from yesterday used iostat to measure how much InnoDB writes to storage. The results from today use the counters on the storage device and the data from iostat. The total writes reported by the storage device will be larger than the value reported by iostat because flash GC runs in the background to make flash blocks ready for writing.  The ratio of device writes divided by iostat writes is the flash WAF (write amplification factor) and is >= 1.

On my storage device the flash WAF is much larger with InnoDB than with MyRocks. The flash WAF is about 1.4X for compressed InnoDB, 1.7X for uncompressed InnoDB and 1.03X for MyRock. This means that InnoDB writes between 11X and 18X more to storage per query compared to MyRocks. This is a huge difference which can force you to use high endurance flash for InnoDB when low endurance is sufficient for MyRocks. It can also force you to replace your storage device faster than desired. Note that excessive over-provisioning is similar to early replacement -- in both cases you buy more devices.


All tests were run with the device about 72% full as flash WAF is also a function of device fullness. I started with the database from yesterday's result so the query step had run for 24 hours. I then added data to make each storage device about 72% full. Finally I ran 24 1-hour query steps and use the data from the 47th 1-hour query step reported in the table below.
  • Column 1 is the data written in GB per iostat  
  • Column 2 is the data written in GB per the storage device counters
  • Column 3 is the flash WAF (column 2 / column 1)
  • Column 4 is the relative write rate per iostat: column 1 divided by RocksDB column 1
  • Column 5 is the relative write rate per storage device counters: column 4 * column 3

                total GB written        relative KB written/query
                iostat  device  WAF     iostat  device
rocksdb.zlib    108.1   111.3   1.03    1.00    1.03
orig5626.zlib   492.6   670.0   1.36    8.51    11.57
orig5710.zlib   526.4   729.3   1.39    8.53    11.85
orig5626.none   723.2   1200.4  1.66    10.64   17.66
orig5710.none   640.9   1055.8  1.65    10.71   17.67

This chart displays the flash WAF per engine using the data from column 3 in the table above.
This chart has the per-query write rates as measured per iostat and per storage device counters. The rates are relative to the rates for RocksDB and you can see that InnoDB writes between 8X and 11X more per query when measured by iostat (blue bars) and between 11X and 18X more per query when measured at the storage device (red bars). Again, this is a huge difference.


  1. Hi Mark, very useful post! Thank you.

    Were the "device IO stats" obtained from SSD SMART logs?


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