Tuesday, October 20, 2020

MyRocks in MySQL 5.6 and 8.0

I am in the process of upgrading my home NUC cluster from Ubuntu 18.04 to 20.04 and that means I get to use newer versions of gcc. It also means I lose easy access to older versions of gcc. I assumed that I wouldn't be able build MyRocks and MySQL 5.6 from source in Ubuntu 20.04 but I never confirmed it and I might be wrong. I have been using gcc 7 on Ubuntu 18.04 which is still available in 20.04, if I am willing to manage multiple versions of gcc. Regardless it is time for me to begin using MyRocks with MySQL 8.

I have results for the insert benchmark to compare MySQL 5.6 and 8.0 where both use MyRocks and the results are what I expected -- I lose between 10% and 20% of throughput (queries or inserts /second) because 8.0 has more CPU overhead. Note that this is for a workload with low-concurrency and my NUC servers have 4 cores with HT disabled. This is similar to what I see when comparing InnoDB between MySQL 5.6 and 8.0. I prefer no new overhead, but new overhead is inevitable and the amounts here seem reasonable given these are two versions apart -- 5.6 to 5.7 to 8.0.

Update - the numbers above include the CPU from the benchmark client and mysqld that share the same host. When I limit the CPU measurement to mysqld then the difference is 1.4X during load without secondary indexes, that is mysqld in MySQL 8.0 uses 1.4X more CPU to do the same amount of work during the load. While I am OK with 1.2X more CPU (~20% mentioned above) I think that 1.4X more is too much.

Background reading that has more detail:


Three workloads were used -- in-memory, IO-bound and extra IO-bound. The in-memory workload loads 20m rows without secondary indexes, creates 3 secondary indexes, loads 20m more rows and then does 12 30-minute read+write tests where the writer is rated limited to 100, 200, 400, 600, 800 and then 1000 inserts/s. The IO-bound workload is similar but loads 100m rows without secondary indexes and then 10m with secondary indexes. The extra IO-bound workload is similar but loads 500m rows without secondary indexes and then 10m with secondary indexes. For my sake, here are the command lines for my helper scripts.

The load and create index test steps are single-threaded. The read+write test steps use one query thread and one rate-limited writer thread.

MyRocks was used with MySQL 5.6.35 and 8.0.17 from the FB branch. The 5.6 version was compiled and run using Ubuntu 18.04 while the 8.0 version was compiled and run with Ubuntu 20.04. The my.cnf contents are here for 5.6 and for 8.0.

Performance summaries that can be interpreted after reading this are here for the in-memory, IO-bound and extra IO-bound workloads. The most important columns are qps and ips for throughput (queries/s, inserts/s). The throughput differences are usually explained by cpupq (cpu/query or cpu/insert depending on the test step).

The table below lists the throughput ratio for each test step as (8.0 value / 5.6 value) and a number less than 1 means that 8.0 is slower than 5.6. I didn't list values for all of the test steps to avoid long lines. The test steps are:
  • l.i0 - load without secondary indexes
  • l.x - create secondary indexes
  • l.i1 - load with secondary indexes
  • qN.2 - read+write where N is the number of inserts/s

                l.i0    l.x     l.i1    q100.2  q200.2  q800.2  q1000.2
in-memory       .79     .99     .87     .89     .89     .88     .88
io-bound        .82     .99     .87     .99     .89     .90     .91
extra io-bound  .80     1.03    .87     .92     .90     .91     .92


  1. Was 8 running on defaults? Because "From MySQL 8.0, binary logging is enabled by default": https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/8.0/en/replication-options-binary-log.html

    1. Binlog was enabled, but binlog fsync and InnoDB redo fsync were disabled because I don't want this to be an fsync benchmark. The my.cnf contents are linked above.

  2. How did you disable the InnoDB redo fsync()?

    1. Still runs about once/second in the background but not per/commit in the foreground. As I wrote above, I provided a link to the my.cnf that has all the detail.


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