Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Historical - Adding Roles to MySQL

This post was shared on code.google.com many years ago but code.google has been shutdown. It describes work done by my team at Google. I am interested in the history of technology and with some spare time have been enable to republish it.

I added support for roles to MySQL circa 2008. They arrived upstream with MySQL 8 in 2018. I wasn't able to wait. I enjoyed the project more than expected. It wasn't hard in terms of algorithms or performance but I had to avoid mistakes to avoid security bugs and the upstream code was well written. I had a similar experience implementing BINARY_FLOAT and BINARY_DOUBLE at Oracle. There I got to learn about the IEEE754 standard and had to go out of my way to catch all of the corner cases. Plus I enjoyed working with Minghui Yang who did the PL/SQL part of it.

MySQL roles and mapped users

The access control model in MySQL does not scale for a deployment with thousands of accounts and thousands of tables. The problems are that similar privileges are specified for many accounts and that the only way to limit an account from accessing a table is to grant privileges at the table or column level in which case the mysql.user table has millions of entries.

Privileges may be associated once with a role, and then many accounts may be mapped to that role. When many accounts have the same privileges, this avoids the need to specify the privileges for each account.

We have implemented mapped users in the MySQL access control model. These are used to simulate roles and solve one of these problems. A mapped user provides authentication credentials and is mapped to a _role_ for access control. A new table, mysql.mapped_user, has been added to define mapped users. Entries in an existing table, mysql.user, are reused for roles when there are entries from mysql.mapped_user that reference them.

To avoid confusion:
  • mapped user - one row in mysql.mapped_user
  • role - one row in mysql.user referenced by at least one row in mysql.mapped_user

This provides several features:
  • multiple passwords per account
  • manual password expiration
  • roles
  • transparent to users (mysql -uuser -ppassword works regardless of whether authentication is done using entries in mysql.mapped_user or mysql.user)

Use Case

Create a role account in mysql.user. Create thousands of private accounts in mysql.mapped_user that map to the role. By map to I mean that the value of mysql.mapped_user.Role is the account name for the role.


Authentication in MySQL is implemented using the _mysql.user_ table. mysqld sorts these entries and when a connection is attempted, the first entry in the sorted list that matches the account name and hostname/IP of the client is used for authentication. A challenge response protocol is done using the password hash for that entry.
A new table is added to support mapped users. This table does not have columns for privileges. Instead, each row references an account name from mysql.user that provides the privileges. The new table has a subset of the columns from mysql.user:
  • User - the name for this mapped user
  • Role - the name of the account in mysql.user from which this account gets its privileges
  • Password - the password hash for authenticating a connection
  • PasswordChanged - the timestamp when this entry was last updated or created. This is intended to support manual password expiration via a script that deletes all entries where PasswordChanged less than the cutoff.
  • ssl_type, ssl_cipher, x509_issuer, x509_subject - values for SSL authentication, note that code has yet to be added in the server to handle these values

DDL for the new table:
CREATE TABLE mapped_user (
  User char(16) binary DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,
  Role char(16) binary DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,
  Password char(41) character set latin1 collate latin1_bin DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,
  ssl_type enum('','ANY','X509','SPECIFIED') character set utf8 NOT NULL default '',
  ssl_cipher blob NOT NULL,
  x509_issuer blob NOT NULL,
  x509_subject blob NOT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY (User, Role, Password)
) engine=MyISAM
comment='Mapped users';


Entries from mysql.mapped_user are used to authenticate connection attempts only when authentication fails with entries in mysql.user. The failure may have occurred because there was no entry in mysql.user for the user/host or because the password was wrong. If authentication succeeds using an entry in mysql.mapped_user, the mysql.mapped_user.Role column in that entry and the client's hostname/IP are used to search mysql.user for a matching entry. And if one is found, that entry provides the privileges for the connection. By provides the privileges I mean that:
  • the values of mysql.user.User and mysql.user.Host are used to search the other privilege tables
  • the global privileges stored in mysql.user for the matching entry are used

The mysql.mapped_user table supports multiple passwords per account. When a user tries to create a connection with a username that is in the mysql.mapped_user table and there are multiple entries with a matching value in mysql.mapped_user.User, then authentication is attempted for one entry at a time using the password hash in mysql.mapped_user.Password until authentication succeeds or there are no more entries. Note that the order in which the entries from mysql.mapped_user are checked is *not* defined, but this is only an issue when there are entries in mysql.mapped_user with the same value for _User_ and different values for _Role_ and that deployment model should not be used. Also note that this does not require additional RPCs during client authentication.

Entries are ignored from mysql.mapped_user when:
  • Role is the empty string
  • User is the empty string
  • Password is the empty string

There is no constraint between the values in mysql.mapped_user.User and mysql.user.User.  Thus, a bogus mapping (Role references an account that does not exist in mysql.user) can be created. In that case, the entry in mysql.mapped_user cannot be used to create connections and will get access denied errors.

There is a primary key index on mysql.mapped_user, but that is not sufficient to enforce all of the integrity constraints that are needed. Entries with the same values for User and Role but different passwords are allowed, and the primary key forces the password to be different. Entries with the same value for User but different values for _Role_ should not be allowed. However, this can only be enforced with a check constraint on the table and MySQL does not enforce check constraints. We can write a tool to find such entries.

SQL Interfaces

Roles can be added via the _create mapped user_ command that is similar to create user but extended to support options for SSL connections. Roles can be dropped by the drop mapped user command that is similar to drop user. These commands update internal data structures and update the mysql.mapped_user table. There is no need to run flush privileges with these commands.

The following have been changed to print the value of mysql.mapped_user.User rather than the value of mysql.user.User when a role is used to create a connection.
  • error messages related to access control
  • select current_user()
  • select user()
  • show user_statistics
  • show processlist

The output of show grants has not been changed and will display the privileges for the role (the entry in _mysql.user).

set password = password(STRING)_ fails for accounts that use a role. The only way to change a password for an entry in mysql.mapped_user is by an insert statement.

how processlist with roles displays the role for connections from mapped users rather than the mapped user name. show processlist displays the value from mysql.mapped_user.

show user_statistics with roles displays statistics aggregated by role for connections from mapped users. show user_statistics displays values aggregated by the value from mysql.mapped_user.

Mapped users can be created by inserting into mysql.mapped_user and then running FLUSH PRIVILEGES. They are also created by the _create mapped user_ command. An example is create mapped user mapped_readonly identified by 'password' role readonly.

Mapped users can be dropped by deleting from mysql.mapped_user and then running FLUSH PRIVILEGES. They are also dropped by the _drop mapped user_ command. An example is *drop mapped user foo*. This drops all entries from mysql.mapped_user with that user name. A delete statement must be used to drop an entry matching either (username, role) or (username, role, password).

select user() displays the value of the mapped user name when connected as a mapped user. select current_user() displays the value of the role when connected as a mapped user. This is done because current_user() is defined to return the name of the account used for access control.

make user delayed is done on the value of the account name. It does not matter whether the account is listed in mysql.user or mysql.mapped_user.

mysql.mapped_user does not have columns for resource limits such as max connections and max QPS. Limits are enforced per role.

This feature is only supported when the configuration variable mapped_users is used (add to /etc/my.cnf). This feature is disabled by default. Also, the mysql.mapped_user table must exist. This table does not exist in our current deployment. It must be created before the feature is enabled. The scripts provided by MySQL to create the system databases will create the table, but we do not use those scripts frequently.

The value of the mysql.user.Host column applies to any mapped users trying to create a connection. This can be used to restrict clients to connect from prod or corp hosts.

Open Requests
  • Add a unique index on (User, Password)
  • Add an email column to mysql.mapped_user
  • Inherit limits (hostname/IP address from which connections are allowed, connection limits, max queries per minute limit) from the mysql.user table.
  • Implement support for SSL -- the mysql.mapped_user table has columns for SSL authentication. Code has not been added to the server to handle them.

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