Thursday, August 30, 2018

Name that compaction algorithm

First there was leveled compaction and it was a great paper. Then tiered compaction arrived in BigTable, HBase and Cassandra. Eventually LevelDB arrived with leveled compaction and RocksDB emerged from that. Along the way a few interesting optimizations have been added including support for time series data. My summary is missing a few details because it is a summary.

Compaction algorithms constrain the LSM tree shape. They determine which sorted runs can be merged by it and which sorted runs need to be accessed for a read operation. I am not sure whether they have been formally defined, but I hope there can be agreement on the basics. I will try to do that now for a few - leveled, tiered, tiered+leveled, leveled-N and time-series. There are two new names on this list -- tiered+leveled and leveled-N.

LSM tree used to imply leveled compaction. I prefer to expand the LSM tree definition to include leveled, tiered and more.

I reference several papers below. All of them are awesome, even when not perfect -- they are major contributions to write-optimized databases and worth reading. One of the best things about my job is getting time to read papers like this and then speak with the authors.

There are many interesting details in academic papers and existing systems (RocksDB, Cassandra, HBase, ScyllaDB) that I ignore. I don't want to get lost in the details.


Leveled compaction minimizes space amplification at the cost of read and write amplification.

The LSM tree is a sequence of levels. Each level is one sorted run that can be range partitioned into many files. Each level is many times larger than the previous level. The size ratio of adjacent levels is sometimes called the fanout and write amplification is minimized when the same fanout is used between all levels. Compaction into level N (Ln) merges data from Ln-1 into Ln. Compaction into Ln rewrites data that was previously merged into Ln. The per-level write amplification is equal to the fanout in the worst case, but it tends to be less than the fanout in practice as explained in this paper by Hyeontaek Lim et al. Compaction in the original LSM paper was all-to-all -- all data from Ln-1 is merged with all data from Ln. It is some-to-some for LevelDB and RocksDB -- some data from Ln-1 is merged with some (the overlapping) data in Ln.

While write amplification is usually worse with leveled than with tiered there are a few cases where leveled is competitive. The first is key-order inserts and a RocksDB optimization greatly reduces write-amp in that case. The second one is skewed writes where only a small fraction of the keys are likely to be updated. With the right value for compaction priority in RocksDB compaction should stop at the smallest level that is large enough to capture the write working set -- it won't go all the way to the max level. When leveled compaction is some-to-some then compaction is only done for the slices of the LSM tree that overlap the written keys, which can generate less write amplification than all-to-all compaction.


Tiered compaction minimizes write amplification at the cost of read and space amplification.

The LSM tree can still be viewed as a sequence of levels as explained in the Dostoevsky paper by Niv Dayan and Stratos Idreos. Each level has N sorted runs. Each sorted run in Ln is ~N times larger than a sorted run in Ln-1. Compaction merges all sorted runs in one level to create a new sorted run in the next level. N in this case is similar to fanout for leveled compaction. Compaction does not read/rewrite sorted runs in Ln when merging into Ln. The per-level write amplification is 1 which is much less than for leveled where it was fanout.

Most implementations of tiered compaction don't behave exactly as described in the previous paragraph. I hope they are close enough, because the model above makes it easy to reason about performance and estimate the worst-case write amplification. A common approach for tiered is to merge sorted runs of similar size, without having the notion of levels (which imply a target for the number of sorted runs of specific sizes). Most include some notion of major compaction that includes the largest sorted run and conditions that trigger major and non-major compaction. Too many files and too many bytes are typical conditions.

The stepped merge paper is the earliest reference I found for tiered compaction. It reduces random IO for b-tree changes by buffering them in an LSM tree that uses tiered compaction. While the stepped merge algorithm is presented as different from an LSM, it is tiered compaction. The MaSM paper is similar but the SM in MaSM stands for sort merge. The paper uses an external sort rather than an LSM to reduce write amplification. It assumes that LSM implies leveled compaction but an external sort looks a lot like tiered compaction. The InnoDB change buffer has a similar goal of reducing random IO for changes to a b-tree but doesn't use an LSM. In what year did the InnoDB change buffer get designed or implemented?

I prefer that tiered not require N sorted runs at the max level because that means N copies of the database which is too much space amplification. I define it to allow K copies at the max level where K is between 2 and N. But it still does tiered compaction at the max level and when the max level is full (has K sorted runs) then the K runs are merged and the output (1 sorted run) replaces the K runs in the max level. One day I hope to learn whether HBase or Cassandra support 1, a few or N sorted runs at the max level -- although this can be confusing because they don't enforce the notion of levels. Tiered compaction in RocksDB has a configuration option to limit the worst-case space amplification which should prevent too many full copies (too many sorted runs at the max level) but I don't have much experience with tiered in RocksDB. I hope the RocksDB wiki gets updated to explain this.

There are a few challenges with tiered compaction:
  • Transient space amplification is large when compaction includes a sorted run from the max level.
  • The block index and bloom filter for large sorted runs will be large. Splitting them into smaller parts is a good idea.
  • Compaction for large sorted runs takes a long time. Multi-threading would help.
  • Compaction is all-to-all. When there is skew and most of the keys don't get updates, large sorted runs might get rewritten because compaction is all-to-all. In a traditional tiered algorithm there is no way to rewrite a subset of a large sorted run. 
For tiered compaction the notion of levels are usually a concept to reason about the shape of the LSM tree and estimate write amplification. With RocksDB they are also an implementation detail. The levels of the LSM tree beyond L0 can be used to store the larger sorted runs. The benefit from this is to partition large sorted runs into smaller SSTs. This reduces the size of the largest bloom filter and block index chunks -- which is friendlier to the block cache -- and was a big deal before partitioned index/filter was supported. With subcompactions this enables multi-threaded compaction of the largest sorted runs. Note that RocksDB used the name universal rather than tiered. More docs on this are here.


Tiered+Leveled has less write amplification than leveled and less space amplification than tiered.

The tiered+leveled approach is a hybrid that uses tiered for the smaller levels and leveled for the larger levels. It is flexible about the level at which the LSM tree switches from tiered to leveled. For now I assume that if Ln is leveled then all levels that follow (Ln+1, Ln+2, ...) must be leveled.

SlimDB from VLDB 2018 is an example of tiered+leveled although it might allow Lk to be tiered when Ln is leveled for k > n. Fluid LSM is described as tiered+leveled but I think it is leveled-N.

Leveled compaction in RocksDB is also tiered+leveled, but we didn't explain it that way until now. There can be N sorted runs at the memtable level courtesy of the max_write_buffer_number option -- only one is active for writes, the rest are read-only waiting to be flushed. A memtable flush is similar to tiered compaction -- the memtable output creates a new sorted run in L0 and doesn't read/rewrite existing sorted runs in L0. There can be N sorted runs in level 0 (L0) courtesy of level0_file_num_compaction_trigger. So the L0 is tiered. Compaction isn't done into the memtable level so it doesn't have to be labeled as tiered or leveled. Subcompactions in the RocksDB L0 makes this even more interesting, but that is a topic for another post. I hope we get more docs on this interesting feature from Andrew Kryczka.


Leveled-N compaction is like leveled compaction but with less write and more read amplification. It allows more than one sorted run per level. Compaction merges all sorted runs from Ln-1 into one sorted run from Ln, which is leveled. And then "-N" is added to the name to indicate there can be n sorted runs per level.

The Dostoevsky paper defined a compaction algorithm named Fluid LSM in which the max level has 1 sorted run but the non-max levels can have more than 1 sorted run. Leveled compaction is done into the max level. The paper states that tiered compaction is done into the smaller levels when they have more than 1 sorted run. But from my reading of the paper it uses leveled-N for the non-max levels.

In Fluid LSM each level is T times larger than the previous level (T == fanout), the max level has Z sorted runs and the non-max levels have K sorted runs. When Z=1 and K=1 then this is leveled compaction. When Z=1 and K>1 or Z>1 and K>1 then I claim this uses leveled-N.

Assuming K>1 for Ln-1 then compaction with Fluid LSM into Ln merges K runs from Ln-1 with 1 run from Ln. This doesn't match my definition of tiered compaction because compaction into Ln reads & rewrites a sorted run from Ln and per-level write amplification is likely to be larger than 1. Regardless I like the idea.

Examples of write amplification with Fluid LSM for compaction from Ln-1 to Ln:
  • T==K - there are T (or K) sorted runs in each of Ln-1 and Ln. When each run in Ln-1 has size 1, then each run in Ln has size T. Compaction into Ln merges T runs from Ln-1 with 1 run from Ln to create a new run in Ln. This reads T bytes from Ln-1 and T bytes from Ln and the new run has a size between T and 2T -- size T when all keys in Ln-1 are duplicates of keys in the run from Ln and size > T otherwise. When the new run has size 2T the per-level write amp is 2 because 2T bytes were written to move T bytes from Ln-1. When the new run has size T the per-level write amp is 1. Otherwise the per-level write-amp is between 1 and 2. 
  • T > K - there are K sorted runs in each of Ln-1 and Ln. Each run in Ln-1 has size T/K and each run in Ln has size T^2/K. K runs in Ln-1 have size T. Compaction reads T bytes from Ln-1, T^2/K bytes from Ln and writes a new run in Ln that has a size between T^2/K and (T^2/K + T). The per-level write-amp is as small as T^2/K / T, which reduces to T/K, when all keys in Ln-1 are duplicates with the run in Ln. It can be as large as (T^2/K + T) / T, which reduces to T/K + 1, when there is no overlap. Otherwise it is between T/K and T/K + 1.
When K=2 and T=10 then the per-level write-amp is ~5 which is about half of the per-level write-amp from leveled compaction.

Time Series

There are compaction algorithms optimized for time series workloads. I have no experience with them but they are worth mentioning. Cassandra had DTCS and has TWCS. InfluxDB has or had TSM and TSI. I hope we eventually do something interesting for time series with RocksDB.


There are other interesting LSM engines:
  • Tarantool - Sphia begat Vinyl and I lost track of it. But I have high hopes.
  • WiredTiger - has an LSM but they are busy making the CoW b-tree better
  • Kudu - didn't use RocksDB and I like the reasons for not using it
My summary of Sphia and Tarantool probably has bugs. My memory is that Sophia was a great design assuming the database : RAM ratio wasn't too large. It had a memtable and a sorted run on disk -- both were partitioned (not sure if range or hash). When a memtable partition became full then leveled compaction was done between it and its disk partition. Vinyl has changed enough from this design that I won't try to summarize it here. It has clever ideas for managing the partitions.


I briefly mentioned ScyllaDB at the start of the post. I have yet to use the product but their documentation on LSM efficiency and many other things is remarkable. Start with this post that compares the compaction strategies (algorithms) in ScyllaDB -- leveled, size-tiered, hybrid and time-window. From this attached slide deck I learned that Lucene implemented an LSM in 1999. They also have two posts that explain write amplification for tiered and leveled compaction.

Hybrid compaction is described in the embedded slide deck and it is interesting. Hybrid range partitions large sorted runs into many SSTs, similar to RocksDB. Hybrid then uses that to make compaction with large sorted runs incremental -- an input SST to the compaction can be deleted before the compaction is finished (slide 33). This reduces the worst-case space amplification that is transient when merges are in progress for large sorted runs. This isn't trivial to implement. It isn't clear to me but slide 34 suggests that hybrid can limit compaction to a subset (1 or a few SSTs) of a large sorted run when the writes are skewed. Maybe a ScyllaDB expert can confirm or deny my guess. Hybrid also has optimizations for tombstones (slide 44). I won't go into detail here, just as I ignored the SingleDelete optimization in RocksDB. 

Monday, August 27, 2018

Review of "Concurrent Log-Structured Memory" from VLDB 2018.

Space-amplification matters for in-memory stores too.

This is a review of Concurrent Log-Structured Memory for Many-Core Key-Value Stores from VLDB 2018 and the engine is named Nibble. The paper is worth reading - the ideas are interesting and the performance results are thorough. Nibble is an example of index+log. Their focus is on huge many-core servers. I wonder how RocksDB would do a a server with 240 cores and many TB of DRAM. I assume there might be a few interesting performance problems to make better. Start with table 2 for a condensed summary. The design overview is:

  • partitioned, resizable hash index - the hash index uses open addressing and linear probing. Each bucket has 15 entries, 64-bits/entry and a version counter. The counter is incremented twice/update -- at start and end. Readers retry if counter is changed or unchanged but odd.
  • per-socket log-structured memory allocators with per-core log heads. There is a log instance per core and each log instance has multiple heads (locations where log inserts are done). They call this write local, read global because reads might be from a log instance written by another core. A cost-based approach is used to select the next log segment for GC.
  • thread-local epochs - after GC there might still be threads reading from a log segment. Epochs are used to determine when that is safe. The CPU time stamp counter is used for the epoch value and each thread writes its epoch value, using a cache line per thread, to a fixed memory location.
Things that are interesting to me:
  • When needed, a partition of the hash index is doubled in size. Rather than allocate 2X more memory, they use the VM to extend the current allocation so only ~1/2 of the objects in the partition must be relocated. I am curious whether there are stalls during resize.
  • What is the range of load factors that the Nibble hash index can sustain? A b-tree with leaf pages 2/3 full is one source of fragmentation, a hash index with a load factor less than 100% is another form of fragmentation. Fortunately, with a load factor of 80%, 20% of memory isn't wasted because the log segments should use much more memory than the hash index. Figure 14 shows throughput as a function of memory utilization.
  • index+log has a large CPU cost during GC from tree index probes, but Nibble uses a hash index which has a lower probe cost. Nibble maintains a live bytes counter per log segment. Segments with zero live bytes can be collected without probing the index to find live entries. Otherwise an index probe per entry is required to determine whether an entry is live.
  • I am curious about the results in Figures 1 and 9b on memory fragmentation per allocator. The results for jemalloc and tcmalloc are similar while ptmalloc2 does the best.  The microbenchmarks are from the Rumble paper. I don't think much can be concluded from such simple allocator workloads -- but I still like the paper. RocksDB or LevelDB with db_bench would be a better test for fragmentation. It would also be good to know which versions of the allocators (jemalloc, tcmalloc, etc) were used and whether any tuning was done.
I have published posts on the benefits from using jemalloc or tcmalloc compared to glibc malloc for RocksDB. A RocksDB/MyRocks instance has ~2X larger RSS with glibc malloc because jemalloc and tcmalloc are better at avoiding fragmentation. See posts one, two, three, four and five. RocksDB does an allocation per block read and puts a lot of stress on the allocator especially when using a fast storage device. An allocation remains cached until it reaches the LRU end in the block cache or the block's SST gets unlinked. I expect blocks in the block cache to have vastly different lifetimes.

Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Default configuration benchmarks

Default configuration benchmarks are an interesting problem. Most storage engines require some configuration tuning to get good performance and efficiency. We configure an engine to do the right thing for the expected workload and hardware. Unfortunately the configuration is done in the language of the engine (innodb_write_io_threads, rocksdb_default_cf_options) which requires a significant amount of time to understand.

Hardware comes in many sizes and engines frequently don't have code to figure out the size -- how many CPUs, how much RAM, how many GB of storage, how many IOPs from storage. Even when that code exists the engine might not be able to use everything it finds:
  • HW can be shared and the engine is only allowed a fraction of it. 
  • It might be running on a VM that gets more CPU when other VMs on the host are idle.
  • SSDs get slower when more full. It can take a long time to reach that state.

Minimal configuration

I assume there is a market for storage engines that have better performance with the default configuration, but it will take time to get there. A step in the right direction is to enhance engines to get great performance and efficiency with minimal configuration (minimal != default). I am still figuring out what minimal means. I prefer to use the language of the engine user (HW capacity and performance/efficiency goals) rather than the language of the engine. I'd rather not set engine-specific options, even easy to understand ones like innodb_buffer_pool_size. I want the engine to figure out its configuration given the minimal tuning. For now I have two levels for minimal:
  • HW-only - tell the engine how much HW it can use -- number of CPU cores, GB of RAM, storage capacity and IOPs. Optionally you can ask it to use all that it finds.
  • HW + goals - in addition to HW-only this supports goals for read, write, space and cache amplification. For now I will be vague about the goals. 

Things change

Another part of the configuration challenge is that database workloads change while configurations tend to be static. I prefer that the engine does the right thing, while respecting the advice provided via minimal configuration. I want the engine to adapt to the current workload without ruining performance for the future workload. Adapting by deferring index maintenance can make loads faster, but might hurt the queries that follow.

Types of change include:
  • The working set no longer fits in memory and the workload shifts from CPU to IO bound.
  • Daily maintenance (vacuum, reorg, defrag, DDL, reporting) runs during off-peak hours.
  • Web-scale workloads have daily peak cycles as people wake and sleep.
  • New features get popular, old features get deprecated. Their tables and indexes arrive, grow large, become read-only, get dropped and more. Some deprecated features get un-deprecated.
  • Access patterns to data changes. Rows might be write once, N times or forever and write once/N rows eventually become read-only. Rows might be read never, once, a few-times or forever.
  • Different types of data (see previous point) can live within the same index. Even if you were willing to tune per-index (some of us are) this isn't sufficient when there is workload diversity within an index.
Real workloads include the types of change listed above but benchmarks rarely include them. Any benchmark that includes such change is likely to need more than 24-hours to run which will limit its popularity -- but maybe that isn't a bad thing. I hope we see a few new benchmarks that include such types of change. I might even try to write one.

Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Lock elision, pthreads and MySQL

Yesterday I learned that lock elision is supported in recent versions of glibc for pthread mutex and rw-lock. I am curious if anyone has results for MySQL with it. My memory is that InnoDB can suffer from contention on a rw-lock, but that is a custom rw-lock not the one included with glibc. But code above the storage engine uses mutex and maybe rw-lock from glibc.

A rw-lock where reads dominate can suffer from contention because it has at least twice the memory writes per lock/unlock pair compared to a mutex. So when the lock hold time is short a mutex wins even when exclusive access isn't required. This can often be seen in PMP output where there are convoys and the worst-case is when a thread gets stuck trying to get the internal latch during unlock, but the InnoDB custom rw-lock might not have that problem. Lock elision for the rw-lock might be a big deal in this case.

RocksDB might also benefit from this change.

One of the challenges with glibc pthreads is documentation. I previously wrote about the difficulty of finding documentation for PTHREAD_MUTEX_ADAPTIVE_NP. The problem continues. There isn't much about pthreads in a recent version of the glibc manual. From Google searches I wasn't able to find recent docs elsewhere, except for man pages. But man pages don't document PTHREAD_MUTEX_ADAPTIVE_NP.  With lock elision we get new options -- PTHREAD_MUTEX_ELISION_NP and PTHREAD_MUTEX_NO_ELISION_MP. Google searches will take you to bits of source code and email list discussions. I hope this can be improved. Given the lack of docs you might need to read the source. I hope that the community (web-scale companies) can sponsor a tech writer to provide the missing docs.

There has been drama because the introduction of this feature failed when it encountered buggy microcode on certain CPUs. Then there was more drama when it broke buggy software that worked despite the bugs, until lock elision made the bugs serious. Google searches find many of the stories.

One of my favorite perks at work is getting answers from experts. In this case the expert is Nathan Bronson (thank you). A summary of the glibc 2.23 implementation per the expert is:
  • NPTL lock elision is performed using TSX's RTM (Restricted Transactional Memory) instructions XBEGIN, XEND, and XABORT, rather than TSX's HLE (Hardware Lock Elision) instructions XACQUIRE and XRELEASE
  • On x86, elision support is always present when detected by HAS_CPU_FEATURE(RTM)
  • pthread_rwlock_t always attempts elision if the hardware has it (both for .._rdlock and .._wrlock)
  • pthread_rwlock_t uses an adaptive strategy for falling back to the non-TSX implementation. If the lock is held in a non-TSX mode, there is a transaction conflict, or the transaction exceeds TSX's (undocumented) capacity, then the current lock acquisition and the 3 following use the non-TXN code path. This means that once a lock falls off the elision path it needs several uncontended acquisitions before a transaction it will be attempted again. This seems quite conservative
  • pthread_rwlock_rdlock -> pthread_rwlock_unlock with a successful transaction is about twice as fast as the non-TSX implementation under no contention, and massively better under contention

MySQL 8.0.40 does not fix the regressions I hoped it would fix

Performance regressions arrived in InnoDB with MySQL 8.0.30. Eventually multiple bugs were filed. The worst regressions were from changes to...