One more time with sysbench, a small server & MySQL 5.6, 5.7 and 8.0
Update - the regression isn't as bad as I have been reporting. Read this post to understand why. The good news is that I hope to begin debugging this problem next week. After fixing a few problems to reduce variance I am repeating tests to document the performance regression from MySQL 5.6 to 8.0. The first problem was fixed by disabling turbo boost on my Intel NUC servers to avoid thermal throttling. The other problem was the impact from mutex contention for InnoDB purge threads and I repeated tests with it set to 1 and 4. This is part of my series on low-concurrency CPU regressions for bug 86215 . tl;dr for in-memory sysbench on a small server with a fast SSD most of the regression is from 5.6.35 to 5.7.17, much less is from 5.7.1 to 8.0.1 innodb_purge_threads=4 costs 10% to 15% of the QPS for write-heavy tests QPS is 30% less for 5.7.17 & 8.0.1 vs 5.6.35 on write-only tests QPS is 30% to 40% less for 5.7.17 & 8.0.1 vs 5.6.35 on read-write tests QPS is