Saturday, August 14, 2021

Happy 15th to Percona

I am thrilled to be celebrate Percona's 15th anniversary. My time with MySQL began about the same time as the founding of Percona. Those years, the mid-2000s, were the dark ages for MySQL. There was doubt about the future of MySQL because there were many things that needed to be made better. Fortunately, upstream and the community, with much help from Percona, rallied to fix the problems and add needed features.

Percona has been a huge part of the community. I don't have time to list everything, but examples include saving the user conference, providing an open-source hot backup solution, educating many of us (including me) via their blog posts and helping push the product to get so much better. I have also been a customer as they helped with the MyRocks effort and in the great patch migration (5.6 to 8.0).

I like that the anniversary book starts by mentioning the multi-core scaling problem that InnoDB had in the mid-2000s. My MySQL deployment used 4-core, 1-socket CPUs at the time and 8-core, 2-socket servers were about to arrive. It was difficult to get more than 10k QPS from MySQL/InnoDB on such hardware regardless of the number of cores or sockets. InnoDB didn't benefit from 2-socket servers because of contention in the custom InnoDB mutex (which was also used to guard state in the custom InnoDB rw-lock). A fix was first proposed by Yasufumi Kinoshita, who would soon join Percona. After seeing his presentation at the user conference, my team at Google proposed a similar solution which was accepted by the InnoDB team and a serious problem was resolved.

I also like that the book is full of stories from people in the community. I know many of these people from my time traveling to conferences. I am an introvert except when at conferences. I rarely observe talks because I am out in the hallway track talking to others.

Wednesday, August 11, 2021

On storage engines

I wish it were easier to implement new storage engines for MySQL, Postgres and MongoDB and other OSS databases. There is so much innovation that we miss out on - FASTER is one example. All (MySQL, MongoDB, Postgres) have storage engine APIs but there are not many OSS implementations of them.

MyRocks, MySQL Aurora and MySQL HeatWave are examples of the benefits. But they also show that it helps to have the backing of a well-funded company because this is a huge undertaking.

The API for Postgres is the most recent and perhaps that will be the most popular. The API for MySQL is the oldest and has become harder as more requirements (like partitioning) are pushed into it. The MongoDB API is friendlier than the MySQL API, but MongoRocks was deprecated when the API was enhanced to support transactions and RocksDB wasn't able to support user-provided commit timestamps.

One problem is naming. MongoDB and WiredTiger are databases, but WiredTiger is also a component of MongoDB. To avoid confusion I will use storage engine for things like WiredTiger, RocksDB and InnoDB and database for the systems that provide query languages, replication and more.

I have been involved in three such engines -- MyRocks, MongoRocks and a read-only MySQL engine used long-ago at Google. MyRocks benefited from a large team and Sergey Petrunya at MariaDB and MongoRocks benefited from amazing support from MongoDB the company.

Two interesting things are:

  • The impact of database design decisions on the storage engine API. See what is needed for transactions in the MongoDB API.
  • The impact of the original storage engine on the storage engine API.
    • MongoDB doesn't take advantage of clustered indexes in WiredTiger or RocksDB. An extra (hidden) index must be used to map between DiskLoc and the PK index. See SERVER-14569.
    • I have more research to do before I understand the impact of vacuum and 32-bit transactions IDs on the Postgres API.

I also wonder whether the RocksDB API could be the universal storage engine API. In theory any storage engine implementing that would be able to replace RocksDB in MyRocks or MongoRocks. The goal is then to implement the RocksDB API glue once per database and then be able to use a variety of storage engines based on that. Of course, XKCD has a great take on standards and this might just be naive and wishful thinking on my part.

At what level of concurrency do MySQL 5.7 and 8.0 become faster than 5.6?

Are MySQL 5.7 and 8.0 faster than 5.6? That depends a lot on the workload -- both types of SQL and amount of concurrency. Here I summarize r...