tl;dr - from 5.0.96 to 8.0.3
- Insert performance improved by ~3X after MySQL 5.5 when I switching from built-in InnoDB to modern InnoDB.
- Write stalls are a problem but I need better metrics for reporting this.
- Secondary index scans are 1.09X faster on the i5 NUC and 1.64X faster on the i3 NUC
- PK index scans are 1.88X faster on the i5 NUC and 1.96X faster on the i3 NUC
- QPS increased by 5% on the i5 NUC and decreased by 25% on the i3 NUC in the read-write test that does 100 writes/second
tl;dr - from 5.6.35 to 8.0.3
- The insert rate decreased by 8% on the i5 NUC and increased by 19% on the i3 NUC
- There is a big improvement to range scan performance starting in MySQL 5.7
- Secondary index scans are 1.24X faster on the i5 NUC and 1.16X faster on the i3 NUC
- PK index scans are 1.35X faster on the i5 NUC and 1.25X faster on the i3 NUC.
- QPS didn't change on the i5 NUC and increased by 6% on the i3 NUC in the read-write test that does 100 writes/second
The tests used InnoDB from upstream MySQL versions 5.0.96, 5.1.72, 5.5.51, 5.6.35, 5.7.17 and 8.0.3. The built-in InnoDB (remember that?) was used for 5.0, 5.1 and 5.5 and then I switched to modern InnoDB starting with 5.6. All tests used jemalloc with mysqld. The i3 and i5 NUC servers are described here. The insert benchmark is described here. The my.cnf files are here for the i3 NUC and i5 NUC. The i5 NUC has more RAM, faster CPUs and faster storage than the i3 NUC. I tried to tune my.cnf for all engines including: disabled SSL for MySQL 5.7, used the same charset and collation and set innodb_purge_threads=1 to reduce mutex contention. For all tests the binlog was enabled but fsync was disabled for the binlog and database redo log. I compiled all of the MySQL versions on the test servers and did not use binaries from upstream.
The database is larger than RAM as the test table has ~250M rows for the i3 NUC and ~500M rows for the i5 NUC. The i3 NUC has 8gb of RAM and the i5 NUC has 16gb. The insert benchmark loaded the table with 250M or 500M rows rows, then did a full scan of each index on the table (PK, 3 secondary, PK again), then two read-write tests. The first read-write test tries to insert 1000 rows/second with one client while the other client does short range scans as fast as possible. The second read-write test is similar except the insert rate limit is 100/second.
All of the data for the tests is here.
Results: load
The graph below has the insert rate for each release relative to the rate for InnoDB in MySQL 5.0.96. Performance improves dramatically in 5.6 thanks to switching from the built-in to modern InnoDB.
i3 NUC
ips.av ips.99 rKB/i wKB/i Mcpu/i size(GB)
5.0.96 864 502 0.38 106.56 10545 52
5.1.72 883 548 0.36 106.75 10850 52
5.5.51 1246 741 3.52 78.61 7791 47
5.6.35 2665 1185 6.10 39.08 4934 46
5.7.17 3242 1814 2.54 34.24 3526 46
8.0.3 3162 1771 2.63 35.08 3663 46
i5 NUC
ips.av ips.99 rKB/i wKB/i Mcpu/i size(GB)
5.0.96 1892 1088 0.28 114.11 8533 102
5.1.72 1877 1116 0.29 114.33 8850 102
5.5.51 2516 1452 1.55 95.17 7754 94
5.6.35 5978 2431 2.10 44.50 4265 90
5.7.17 5634 3131 1.26 44.92 4690 90
8.0.3 5482 3017 1.29 45.93 4657 90
Results: scan
Below are tables that show the number of seconds for each full index scan: 1 is the PK, 2/3/4 are the secondary indexes and 5 is the PK again. The scanned index has 250M entries on the i3 NUC and 500M entries on the i5 NUC. The first PK index scan (#1) is slower than the second PK scan (#5) because writeback is in progress during the first scan and competes for storage IO. Writeback for a dirty page can also delay a read waiting for a clean page. Something was done to make range scans faster starting in MySQL 5.7 (thanks to the InnoDB team).
Comparing InnoDB between 5.0.96 and 8.0.3: secondary index scans are 1.09X faster on the i5 NUC and 1.64X faster on the i3 NUC, PK index scans are 1.88X faster on the i5 NUC and 1.96X faster on the i3 NUC.
Comparing InnoDB between 5.6.35 and 8.0.3: secondary index scans are 1.24X faster on the i5 NUC and 1.16X faster on the i3 NUC, PK index scans are 1.35X faster on the i5 NUC and 1.25X faster on the i3 NUC. Range scans are much faster for InnoDB starting in MySQL 5.7.
#seconds to scan an index, i3 NUC
1 2 3 4 5 2+3+4 engine
- - - - - ----- ------
1349 422 198 208 200 828 5.0.96
1161 601 200 216 134 1017 5.1.72
319 184 197 223 101 604 5.5.51
292 181 194 212 127 587 5.6.35
419 148 157 203 99 508 5.7.17
403 147 154 204 102 505 8.0.3
#seconds to scan an index, i5 NUC
1 2 3 4 5 2+3+4 engine
- - - - - ----- ------
2377 255 271 273 313 799 5.0.96
2477 266 283 286 399 835 5.1.72
425 296 317 307 174 920 5.5.51
475 290 302 314 225 906 5.6.35
417 250 267 249 164 766 5.7.17
420 227 260 245 167 732 8.0.3
Hardware efficiency metrics help to understand the performance improvements between MySQL 5.6.35 and 5.7.17. First are results for index scan #4, which is a secondary index. In MySQL 5.7.17 the CPU overhead per row read (Mcpu/o) is lower and that might explain why the storage read IO rate (rMB/s) is larger.
i3 NUC
secs rMB/s rKB/o rGB Mcpu/o engine
212 35.2 0.031 7 13.584 5.6.35
203 37.8 0.031 7 12.552 5.7.17
i5 NUC
secs rMB/s rKB/o rGB Mcpu/o engine
314 44.2 0.028 13 10.748 5.6.35
249 56.0 0.028 14 7.592 5.7.17
And then metrics for index scan #5, which is the second scan of the PK. The improvement in HW efficiency here is similar to the i3 NUC results above.
i3 NUC
secs rMB/s rKB/o rGB Mcpu/o engine
127 130.5 0.067 16 16.560 5.6.35
99 161.7 0.065 15 9.728 5.7.17
i5 NUC
secs rMB/s rKB/o rGB Mcpu/o engine
225 147.0 0.067 32 14.732 5.6.35
164 198.1 0.067 32 8.900 5.7.17
Results: read-write, 1000 inserts/second
This section has results for the read-write tests where the writer does 1000 inserts/second. The graph has the query rate relative to the rate for MySQL 5.0.96. From MySQL 5.0.96 to 8.0.3 QPS increased by 24% on the i5 NUC and decreased by 22% on the i3 NUC. From MySQL 5.6.35 to 8.0.3 QPS increased by 2% on the i5 NUC and 18% on the i3 NUC. The results for MySQL 5.1.72 are an outlier in this test and in the test below with 100 inserts/second. It looks like InnoDB is able to cache the secondary indexes for 5.1.72, so it does less storage reads per query and the QPS is larger.
Additional metrics help explain the performance, although the results here are more confusing than for other tests. The metrics are explained here. The built-in InnoDB with MySQL 5.5.51 was unable to sustain the target insert rate on the i3 NUC. Write stalls were a problem for all releases based on the values in IPS.99 that are less than 999 and MySQL 5.5.51 was the worst. The CPU overhead per query (CPU/q) decreased starting with MySQL 5.6.35.
i3 NUC
IPS.av IPS.99 wKB/i QPS.av QPS.99 rKB/q CPU/q
5.0.96 999 972 65.75 389 98 31.45 31282
5.1.72 999 961 63.98 4562 2149 0.26 6488
5.5.51 948 761 81.24 161 33 78.49 63049
5.6.35 999 977 67.92 258 156 101.61 37834
5.7.17 999 977 65.64 311 238 98.68 26829
8.0.3 999 978 65.97 303 230 99.50 27868
i5 NUC
IPS.av IPS.99 wKB/i QPS.av QPS.99 rKB/q CPU/q
5.0.96 999 988 71.25 820 694 30.27 23455
5.1.72 999 994 65.48 5460 2619 0.25 5374
5.5.51 999 968 88.74 710 480 53.41 24597
5.6.35 999 987 73.09 992 626 59.45 16798
5.7.17 999 988 71.22 1042 738 61.07 16115
8.0.3 999 989 71.63 1019 722 61.36 16723
Results: read-write, 100 inserts/second
This section has results for the read-write tests where the writer does 100 inserts/second. The graph has the query rate relative to the rate for MySQL 5.0.96. From MySQL 5.0.96 to 8.0.3 QPS increased by 5% on the i5 NUC and decreased by 25% on the i3 NUC. From MySQL 5.6.35 to 8.0.3 QPS didn't change on the i5 NUC and increased by 6% on the i3 NUC. The QPS for 5.1.72 is an outlier. Similar to above, it looks like InnoDB cached the indexes in that setup and QPS was much larger.
Additional metrics help explain the performance. The metrics are explained here. All of the releases sustained the target insert rate and write stalls were not a problem. The CPU overhead per query (CPU/q) decreased by 26% on the i5 NUC and 25% on the i3 NUC and that might explain the increase in the query rate.
i3 NUC
IPS.av IPS.99 wKB/i QPS.av QPS.99 rKB/q CPU/q
5.0.96 100 100 122.04 1171 810 21.97 14084
5.1.72 100 100 95.08 4881 4707 0.01 5278
5.5.51 100 100 165.01 670 369 66.26 16998
5.6.35 100 100 126.74 827 534 66.49 13675
5.7.17 100 100 128.32 900 566 69.56 10269
8.0.3 100 100 129.58 883 547 69.86 10625
i5 NUC
IPS.av IPS.99 wKB/i QPS.av QPS.99 rKB/q CPU/q
5.0.96 100 100 107.04 1267 1180 25.84 15237
5.1.72 100 100 91.49 5625 5455 0.01 4477
5.5.51 100 100 171.97 1139 918 51.67 14015
5.6.35 100 100 157.74 1334 951 50.42 11546
5.7.17 100 100 160.00 1383 996 52.50 10807
8.0.3 100 100 161.31 1334 1041 52.85 11333
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