Thursday, October 27, 2016

Benchmarketing MyRocks

I have been spending time understanding MyRocks performance for new workloads including benchmarks that potential MyRocks users run. One of those benchmarks is sysbench and I wrote a script to make it easier for me to run.


Like most synthetic benchmarks sysbench is valuable but has its flaws. It helps to understand the flaws when looking at results. Most uses of sysbench are for very small databases. A typical run for me is 8 tables with 1M rows per table. That uses about 2G of space with uncompressed InnoDB tables. For a typical MyRocks configuration that will use a 3 level LSM tree with data in levels 0, 1 and 2 and I usually disable compression for those levels. And if you are running performance tests for a 2G database that fits in cache I wouldn't use compression. Small databases save time when running benchmarks as the load happens real fast. But you might miss the real overheads that occur with a larger database.

Another possible problem with sysbench is that several of the test configurations are for read-only workloads. If your real workload isn't read-only, then you might miss real overheads. For example, the RocksDB memtable might be empty for a read-only workload. That avoids the cost of checking the memtable on a query and can overstate the QPS you will measure.

I spent a day explaining unexpected performance variance on a read-only sysbench test. I took too long to notice that the LSM on the slower server had data in levels 0, 1 and 2 while the LSM on the faster server only used levels 1 and 2. By not having data in level 0 there was less work to do to process a query and the faster server got more QPS. This was visible in the compaction IO statistics displayed by SHOW ENGINE ROCKSDB STATUS. Had this been a read-write workload the LSM would have been in a steadier state with data (usually) in the memtable and level 0. But in this case the memtable was empty and compaction was stopped because there were no writes and the compaction scores for all levels was <= 1. I wonder whether we can add a feature to RocksDB to trigger compaction during read-only workloads when the LSM tree can be made more performant for queries?


The best settings for the MyRocks my.cnf file are also a source of confusion. I almost always enable the concurrent memtable. See the comments for the options allow_concurrent_memtable_write and enable_write_thread_adaptive_yield. I explained the benefits of these options in a previous post. Alas the options are disabled by default and not mentioned in the suggested my.cnf options. They are enabled by adding this to my.cnf:

I enable the concurrent memtable for most of my benchmarks. When MyRocks arrives in MariaDB Server and Percona Server I wonder whether other users will do the same. For read-write workloads the concurrent memtable can be a big deal.

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Make MyRocks 2X less slow

Fixing mutex contention has been good for my career. I had the workload, an RDBMS that needed a few improvements and support from a great team. Usually someone else found the bugs and I got to fix many of them. Sometimes I got too much credit because a good bug report is as valuable as the bug fix. These days I don't see many mutex contention bugs but I have begun to see more bugs from memory contention. My perf debugging skills need refreshing. They are far from modern. Thankfully we have Brendan Gregg.

For someone who debugs performance, shared_ptr is a gift. Mistakenly passing shared_ptr by value means the reference count will be changed too much and that is not good on a concurrent workload. I have encountered that at least twice in RocksDB and MyRocks. I even encountered it in MongoDB with SERVER-13382.

I have twice made MyRocks 2X less slow. First with issue 231 peak compaction throughput was doubled and now with issue 343 we almost double range-scan throughput (for long range scans with many concurrent queries). Someone important recently reported a disappointing performance result when comparing MyRocks with InnoDB. After a few days with sysbench I was able to reproduce it. This should be easy to fix.

Not mutex contention

In this bug, with sysbench read-only and read-write the peak QPS for MyRocks saturated long before InnoDB. While MyRocks and InnoDB had similar QPS at low concurrency, the QPS at high concurrency was almost 2X better for InnoDB. This was only an issue for longer range scans (try --oltp-range-size=10000) and the default was a shorter range scan (--oltp-range-size=100). My first guess was mutex contention. There was an odd pattern in vmstat where the context switch rate alternated every second for MyRocks but was steady for InnoDB. Spikes in context switch rate sometimes mean mutex contention but I did not see that with PMP. What next?

The next guess is memory system contention but my debugging skills for that problem are weak. I have told myself many times this year that I need to refresh my skills. So I started with this blog post from Brendan Gregg and tried perf stat and found that InnoDB completed almost twice the number of instructions compared to MyRocks in the same time period. Why is IPC almost 2X better for InnoDB? Results from perf are here.

I then tried a different perf stat command to get other hardware perf counters and results are here. This also shows that InnoDB completed twice the number of instructions while both have a similar value for bus-cycles, so MyRocks uses 2X the number of bus-cycles per instruction. That can explain why it is slower. What are bus-cycles? Most of the documentation only explained this is as [Hardware event] and without more details I can't look that up in Intel manuals. I asked internally and learned the magic code, 0x013c, that leads to more information. Start with this article (and consider subscribing to LWN, I do).

The next step was to get call graphs when bus-cycles was incremented. I used the command below to find the offending code. Disabling that code fixes the problem, but work remains to make that code performant. InnoDB and MyRocks have similar code to count rows read and InnoDB doesn't fall over because of it. I want to make MyRocks not fall over because of it.
perf record -ag -p $( pidof mysqld ) -e bus-cycles -- sleep 10

Useful commands

I used all of these commands today:
perf stat -a sleep 10
perf stat -e cycles,instructions,cache-references,cache-misses,bus-cycles -a sleep 10
perf stat -e 'syscalls:sys_enter_*' -a sleep 10
perf stat -e L1-dcache-loads,L1-dcache-load-misses,L1-dcache-stores -a sleep 10
perf stat -e dTLB-loads,dTLB-load-misses,dTLB-prefetch-misses -a sleep 10
perf stat -e LLC-loads,LLC-load-misses,LLC-stores,LLC-prefetches -a sleep 10
perf top -e raw_syscalls:sys_enter -ns comm
perf list --help
perf record -ag -p $( pidof mysqld ) -e bus-cycles -- sleep 10

Saturday, October 15, 2016

scons verbose command line

Hopefully I can find this blog post the next time I get stuck. How do you see command lines when building your favorite open source project? Try one of variants below. I am sure this list will grow over time. The scons variant is my least favorite. I use too many tools for source configuration and compiling. I am barely competent with most of them, but it is easy to find answers for popular tools. I get to use scons with MongoDB. It is less fun searching for answers to problems with less popular tools.

  make V=1
  make VERBOSE=1
  scons --debug=presub

Pagerank seems to be busted for scons. Top results are for too-old versions of scons. Top-ranked results usually tell you how to solve the problem with Python, but users aren't writing scons input files, we are doing things via the command line. At least with MongoDB's use of scons, the separator for construction variables is a space, not a colon. So do LIBS="lz4 zstd" but not LIBS="lz4:zstd".

This is my second scons inspired post. Just noticed my previous one.

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

MongoRocks and WiredTiger versus linkbench on a small server

I spent a lot of time evaluating open-source database engines over the past few years and WiredTiger has been one of my favorites. The engine and the team are excellent. I describe it as a copy-on-write-random (CoW-R) b-tree as defined in a previous post. WiredTiger also has a log-structured merge tree. It isn't officially supported in MongoDB. Fortunately we have MongoRocks if you want an LSM.

This one is long. Future reports will be shorter and reference this. My tl;dr for Linkbench with low concurrency on a small server:
  • I think there is something wrong in how WiredTiger uses zlib, at least in MongoDB 3.2.4
  • mmapV1 did better than I expected.
  • We can improve MongoRocks write efficiency and write throughput. The difference for write efficiency between MongoRocks and other MongoDB engines isn't as large as it is between MyRocks and other MySQL engines.
Update - I have a few followup tasks to do after speaking with WiredTiger and MongoRocks gurus. First, I will repeat tests using MongoDB 3.2.10. Second, I will use zlib and zlib-noraw compression for WiredTiger. Finally, I will run tests with and without the oplog to confirm whether the oplog hurts MongoRocks performance more than WiredTiger.

All about the algorithm

Until recently I have not been sharing my performance evaluations that compare MongoRocks with WiredTiger. In some cases MongoRocks performance is much better than WiredTiger and I want to explain those cases. There are two common reasons. First, WiredTiger is a new engine and there is more work to be done to improve performance. I see progress and I know more is coming. This takes time.

The second reason for differences is the database algorithm. An LSM and a B-Tree make different tradeoffs for read, write and space efficiency. See the Rum Conjecture for more details. In most cases an LSM should have better space and write efficiency while a B-Tree should have better read efficiency. But better write and space efficiency can enable better read efficiency. First, when less IO capacity is consumed for writing back database changes then more IO capacity is available for the storage reads done for user queries. Second, when less space is wasted for caching database blocks then the cache hit ratio is higher. I expect the second reason is more of an issue for InnoDB than for WiredTiger because WT does prefix encoding for indexes and should have less or no fragmentation for database pages in cache.

Page write-back is a hard feature to get right for a B-Tree. There will be dirty pages at the end of the buffer pool LRU and these pages must be written back as they approach the LRU tail. Things that need to read a page into the buffer pool will take a page from the LRU tail. If the page is still dirty at the point the thing requesting the page will stall until the page has been written back. It took a long time to make this performant for InnoDB and work still remains. It will take more time to get this right for WiredTiger. Checkpoint and eviction are the steps by which dirty pages are written back for WT. While I am far from an expert on this I have filed several performance bugs and feature requests (and many of them have been fixed). One open problem is that checkpoint is still single threaded. This one thread must find dirty pages, compress them and then do buffered writes. When zlib is used then that is too much work for one thread. Even with a faster compression algorithm I think more threads are needed, and the cost of faster decompression is more space used for the database. Server-16736 is open as a feature request for this.

Test setup

I have three small servers at home. They used Ubuntu 14.04 at the time, but have since been upgraded to 16.04. Each is a core i3 with 2 CPUs, 4 HW threads and 8G of RAM. The storage is a 120G Samsung 850 EVO m.2 SSD for the database and a 7200 RPM disk for the OS. I like the NUC servers but my next cluster will use a better CPU (core i5) with more RAM.

The benchmark is Linkbench using LinkbenchX from Percona that has support for MongoDB. For WiredTiger and MongoRocks engines this doesn't use transactions to protect the multi-operation transactions. I look forward to multi-document transactions in a future MongoDB release. I use main from my Linkbench fork rather than from LinkbenchX to avoid the use of the feature to sustain a constant request rate because that has added too much CPU overhead in some tests.

I ran two tests. First, I used an in-memory database workload with maxid1=2M. Second, I used an IO-bound database with maxid1=40M. By IO-bound I mean that the database is larger than 8G but smaller than 120G and the SSD is very busy during the test. Both tests were run with 2 connections for loading and 1 connection (client) for the query tests. The query tests were run for 24 1-hour loops and the result from the 24th hour is shared. I provide results for performance, quality of service (QoS) and efficiency. Note that for the mmapv1 IO-bound test I had to use maxid1=20M rather than 40M to avoid a full storage device.

The oplog is enabled, sync-on-commit is disabled and WiredTiger/MongoRocks get 2G of RAM for cache. Tests were run with zlib and snappy compression. I reduced file system readahead from 128 to 16 for the mmapV1 engine tests. For MongoRocks I disabled compression for the smaller levels of the LSM. For the cached database, much more of the database is not compressed because of this. I limited the oplog to 2000MB. The full mongo.conf is at the end of this post.

I used MongoDB 3.2.4 to compare the MongoRocks, WiredTiger and mmapv1 engines. I will share more results soon for MongoDB 3.3.5 and I think results are similar. When MongoDB 3.4 is published I will repeat my tests and hope to include zstandard.

If you measure storage write rates and use iostat then be careful because iostat includes bytes trimmed as bytes written. If the filesystem is mounted with discard enabled and the database engine frequently deletes files (RocksDB does) then iostat might overstate bytes written. The results I share here have been corrected for that.

Cached database load

These are the results for maxid1=2M. The database is cached for all engines except mmapV1.

  • ips - average inserts/second
  • wKB/i - average KB written to storage per insert measured by iostat
  • Mcpu/i - CPU usecs/insert, measured by vmstat
  • Size - database size in GB at the end of the load
  • rss - mongod process size (RSS) in GB from ps at the end of the load
  • engine - rx.snap/rx.zlib is MongoRocks with snappy or zlib. wt.snap/wt.zlib is WiredTiger with snappy or zlib
  • MongoRocks has the worst insert rate. Some of this is because more efficient writes can mean less efficient reads and the LSM does more key comparisons than a B-Tree when navigating the memtable. But I think that most of the reason is management of the oplog where there are optimizations we have yet to do for MongoRocks.
  • MongoRocks writes the most to storage per insert. See the previous bullet point.
  • MongoRocks and WiredTiger use a similar amount of space. Note that during the query test that follows the load the size of WT will be much larger than MongoRocks. As expected, the database is much larger with mmapV1.

ips     wKB/i   Mcpu/i  size    rss     engine
5359    4.81     6807    2.5    0.21    rx.snap
4876    4.82    10432    2.2    0.45    rx.zlib
8198    1.84     3361    2.7    1.82    wt.snap
7949    1.79     4149    2.1    1.98    wt.zlib
7936    1.64     3353   13.0    6.87    mmapV1

Cached database query

These are the results for maxid1=2M for the 24th 1-hour loop. The database is cached for all engines except mmapV1.

  • tps - average transactions/second
  • wKB/t - average KB written to storage per transaction measured by iostat
  • Mcpu/t - CPU usecs/transaction, measured by vmstat
  • Size - database size in GB at test end
  • rss - mongod process size (RSS) in GB from ps at test end
  • un, gn, ul, gll - p99 response time in milliseconds for the most popular transactions: un is updateNode, gn is getNode, ul is updateList, gll is getLinkedList. See the Linkbench paper for details.
  • engine - rx.snap/rx.zlib is MongoRocks with snappy or zlib. wt.snap/wt.zlib is WiredTiger with snappy or zlib
  • WiredTiger throughput is much worse with zlib than with snappy. I think the problem is that dirty page write back doesn't keep up because of the extra overhead from zlib compression. See above for my feature request for multi-threaded checkpoint. There is also a huge difference in the CPU overhead for WiredTiger with zlib compared to WT with snappy. That pattern does not repeat for MongoRocks. I wish I had looked at that more closely.
  • While WiredTiger and MongoRocks used a similar amount of space after the load, WT uses much more space after the query steps. I am not sure whether this is from live or dead versions of B-Tree pages.
  • Response time is better for MongoRocks than for WiredTiger. It is pretty good for mmapV1.
  • mmapV1 has the best throughput. I have been surprised by mmapV1 on several tests.
  • MongoRocks writes the least amount to storage per transaction.

tps  r/t  rKB/t  wKB/t  Mcpu/t  size   rss   un   gn   ul  gll  engine
1741   0      0   2.72   16203   3.7  2.35  0.3  0.1   1   0.9  rx.snap
1592   0      0   2.66   19306   3.0  2.36  0.4  0.2   1   1    rx.zlib
1763   0      0   5.70   23687   4.9  2.52  0.4  0.1   2   1    wt.snap
 933   0      0   8.94   81250   6.5  2.97  1    0.6   7   5    wt.zlib
1967 0.2   9.70   4.61   12048  20.0  4.87  0.9  0.7   1   1    mmapV1

IO-bound database load

These are the results for maxid1=40M for the 24th 1-hour loop. The database does not fit in cache. I used maxid1=20M for mmapV1 to avoid a full SSD. So tests for it ran with half the data.

The summary is the same as it was for the cached database and I think we can make MongoRocks a lot faster.

ips     wkb/i   Mcpu/i  size    rss     engine
4896    7.11     8177   27      2.45    rx.snap
4436    6.67    11979   22      2.29    rx.zlib
7979    1.93     3526   29      2.20    wt.snap
7719    1.89     4330   24      2.30    wt.zlib
7612    1.85     3476   66      6.93    mmapV1, 20m

IO-bound database query

These are the results for maxid1=40M for the 24th 1-hour loop. The database does not fit in cache. I used maxid1=20M for mmapV1 to avoid a full SSD. So tests for it ran with half the data.

  • Like the cached test, WiredTiger with zlib is much worse than with snappy. Most metrics are much worse for it. This isn't just zlib, I wonder if there is a bug in the way WT uses zlib.
  • Throughput continues to be better than I expected for mmapv1, but it has started to do more disk reads per transaction. It uses about 2X the space for the other engines for half the data.
  • MongoRocks provides the best efficiency with performance comparable to other engines. This is the desired result.

tps   r/t   rKB/t  wKB/t  Mcpu/t  size   rss   un    gn    ul  gll  engine
1272  1.22  12.82   4.02   17475  29     2.56   0.8   0.5   2   1   rx.snap
1075  1.03  10.44   4.56   25223  23     2.53   0.9   0.6   2   2   rx.zlib
1037  1.24  17.23  11.60   45335  34     2.69   1     1     3   2   wt.snap
 446  1.21  23.61  18.00  151628  33     3.38  13    11    21  18   wt.zlib
1261  2.43  34.77   5.28   13357  72     2.05   0.9   0.5   3   2   mmapV1, 20m


This is the full mongo.conf for zlib. It needs to be edited to enable snappy.

  fork: true
  destination: file
  path: /path/to/log
  logAppend: true
  syncPeriodSecs: 60
  dbPath: /path/to/data
    enabled: true
      commitIntervalMs: 100
operationProfiling.slowOpThresholdMs: 2000
replication.oplogSizeMB: 2000

storage.wiredTiger.collectionConfig.blockCompressor: zlib
storage.wiredTiger.engineConfig.journalCompressor: none
storage.wiredTiger.engineConfig.cacheSizeGB: 2

storage.rocksdb.cacheSizeGB: 2
storage.rocksdb.configString: "compression_per_level=kNoCompression:kNoCompression:kNoCompression:kZlibCompression:kZlibCompression:kZlibCompression:kZlibCompression;compression_opts=-14:1:0;"

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Making the case for MyRocks. It is all about efficiency.

I had two talks at Percona Live - one on MyRocks and another on web-scale. The talk links include the slides, but slides lose a lot of context. But first, the big news is that MyRocks will appear in MariaDB Server and Percona Server. I think MyRocks is great for the community and getting it into supported distributions makes it usable.

Efficiency is the reason for MyRocks. The RUM Conjecture explains the case in detail. The summary is that MyRocks has the best space efficiency, better write efficiency and good read efficiency compared to other storage engines for MySQL. The same is true of MongoRocks and MongoDB storage engines. Better efficiency is a big deal. Better compression means you can use less SSD. Better write efficiency means you get better SSD endurance or that you can switch from MLC to TLC NAND flash. Better write efficiency also means that more IO capacity will be available to handle reads from user queries.

But performance in practice has nuance that theory can miss. While I expect read performance to suffer with MyRocks compared to InnoDB, I usually don't see that when evaluating production and benchmark workloads. I spent most of this year doing performance evaluations for MyRocks and MongoRocks. I haven't shared much beyond summaries. I expect to share a lot in the future.

I prefer to not write about performance in isolation. I want to write about performance, quality of service and efficiency. By performance I usually mean peak or average throughput under realistic conditions. By quality of service I mean the nth (95th, 99th) percentile response time for queries and transactions. By efficiency I mean the amount of hardware (CPU time, disk reads, disk KB written, disk KB written, disk space) consumed. I have frequently written about performance in isolation in the past. I promise to do that less frequently in the future.

My other goal is to explain the performance that I measure. This is hard to do. I define benchmarketing as the use of unexplained performance results to claim that one product is better than another. While I am likely to do some benchmarketing for MyRocks I will also provide proper benchmarks where results are explained and details on quality of service and efficiency are included.

Let me end this with benchmarking and benchmarketing. For benchmarking I have a result from Linkbench on a small server: Intel 5th generation core i3 NUC, 4 HW threads, 8G RAM, Samsung 850 EVO SSD.  The result here is typical of results from many tests I have done. MySQL does better than MongoDB, MyRocks does better than InnoDB and MongoRocks does better than WiredTiger. MyRocks and MongoRocks have better QoS based on the p99 update time in milliseconds. The hardware efficiency metrics explain why MyRocks and MongoRocks have more throughput (TPS is transactions/second). M*Rocks does fewer disk reads per transaction (iostat r/t), writes less to disk per transaction (iostat wKB/t) and uses less space on disk (size GB). It uses more CPU time per transaction than uncompressed InnoDB. That is the price of better compression. Why it has better hardware efficiency is a topic for another post and conference talk.
For benchmarketing I have a result from read-only sysbench for an in-memory database. MyRocks matches InnoDB at low and mid concurrency and does better at high-concurrency. This is a workload (read-only & in-memory) that favors InnoDB.

Friday, October 7, 2016

MyRocks, MongoRocks, RocksDB and Mr. Mime

The big news is that MyRocks will arrive in proper distributions with expert support (Percona Server and MariaDB Server). This is a big deal for me as it helps make MyRocks better faster and it gives you a chance to evaluate MyRocks. Earlier this year Percona announced support for MongoRocks.

After two weeks in Europe (Dublin, London, Amsterdam) I have yet to catch or even encounter Mr. Mime, the Europe-only Pokemon Go character. So I will return in November to spend more time searching for Mr. Mime and speak at CodeMesh in London and HighLoad++ in Moscow.
  • - I look forward to attending as many talks as possible at CodeMesh. I speak on November 4 on the relationship between performance and efficiency. I think the RUM Conjecture makes it easier to understand the choices between database engines which matters more given that we aren't limited to update-in-place b-trees today. Contact me directly if you want a discount code for a CodeMesh ticket.
  • HighLoad++ - I visit Moscow to speak at HighLoad++, explain the case for MyRocks and MongoRocks and learn more about Tarantool, one of my favorite projects which is also in the process of adding a write-optimized database engine (Vinyl).

RocksDB benchmarks: small server, leveled compaction

I shared benchmark results for RocksDB a few weeks ago and there was a suggestion for me to repeat tests using different (older) values for...